Friday 8 August 2008

Leaving London!

So today is my last day in London. I've been keeping so busy trying to see and do as much as I can before I leave so that's why I haven't really written on here at all.

Since I last posted, I've been to the Victoria & Albert Museum, The Design Museum, the Tate Britain, and The Bank of England Museum. We also had our "closing ceremonies" on Tuesday, where we got parting gifts and were together as a group for the last time, and last night we had a going away dessert party with cake and ice cream and home made chocolate chip cookies.

I had my last day of work on Wednesday, and as I was leaving my co-workers gave me a card... that had 250 pounds in it. As well as a pack of Happy Hippos, this amazing cookie/candy thing that I love. I can't believe they paid me. More important than the money, obviously, is that I know how much they appreciated everything I did this summer, and it's a really good feeling. I obviously need to follow up with a thank you note, in which I will ask for a letter of recommendation. YAY!

Today I'm going to go walk down by the Thames one last time, and later this afternoon we're all going to have tea at the same place we went the first weekend. I'm almost finished packing, but it doesn't feel like I'm leaving. I'm really going to miss it here.

See you all in a couple days!

Friday 1 August 2008

This Week

Last night was our dinner/dancing cruise on the Thames, which was so nice. It was perfect weather (minus a little rain) and seeing London all lit up from the river was beautiful. I took a bunch of pictures so I'll post them later.

Wednesday night I went to a screening of Tropic Thunder with another girl on the program (my roomate got us tickets). It was pretty funny, mostly stupid humor, but I'm glad it was free... I don't think I would've paid to see it.

Tuesday night I went to see Wicked with two friends. It wasn't my favorite out of all the plays I've seen here but I still enjoyed it.

Tonight we're going to the Tate Britain, and this weekend I'm going to try to finish up all the things I want to do in London but haven't had time to yet: go to Little Venice, Hyde Park, the V&A Museum, and the Design Museum, as well as ride the London Eye. I can't believe I'll be home in like a week.