Sunday 29 June 2008

My Weekend

I can't believe I've already been here two weeks. I feel like even though I'm here for two months, it's not even close to enough time to do everything I want to do.

This weekend was incredibly amazing, however. Friday I went dancing with some girls from the program at this club where they play mostly American music, so that was fun. Yesterday, we took buses to Stonehenge and Bath. We spent about an hour at Stonehenge, where they have a complimentary audio tour that gave the history and interesting facts. It was really neat and definitely worth seeing. In Bath, we ate lunch at an authentic Italian pizza place (they spoke Italian) and I had an amazing mushroom pizza. Afterwards, we toured the Roman Baths. The baths are surprisingly intact, and they have remnants from the original building. The highlight of the day, however, was the Thermae Bath spa. It was 22 pounds for a two-hour session. The top floor was a rooftop pool from which you could see amazing views of Bath. The second floor had four different steam rooms: mint, eucalyptus, frankincense (!!!!?), and lavender, as well as foot baths with jets and bubbles, and a mineral shower. The first floor was an indoor pool with a current like a lazy river and a hot tub in the middle. It was definitely worth the money-- it was one of the most relaxing and memorable things I've ever done in my life.

Today, I slept in for the first time since being in London-- only until 10am, though-- and went to Camden Market with my roommate and another girl on the program. There was an innumerable number of shops and stands; I got almost all of my souvenir shopping done, and I got a few cool things for myself, too. It was incredibly crowded, so I'm glad I got to see it but I don't plan to go back.

Tonight, it's early to bed to rest up for the work week. This Thursday I'm going to see SPAMALOT (yay!). I'm still trying to figure out plans for Friday (the 4th of July)-- it's going to be the first time in years that I haven't been at the beach with my family, sad. Saturday, hopefully, the Harry Potter tour is going to work out; I'm going to try to book it Tuesday. Saturday night is a "Night on the Town" sponsored by the program. Sunday, I'm going to try to make it to the Tower of London, since we didn't go today, to ride the London Eye, and go to Tate Modern Art Gallery. So much to do, all the time. No wonder I'm exhausted.

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