Tuesday 24 June 2008


So, they let me off work today at 3:30 because they ran out of things for me to do-- which was completely fine with me because it was a beautiful day and all I'd been doing was labeling envelopes. I took the Tube to Oxford Circus for the first time & went to TopShop, this ridiculously cheap but amazing store (think Forever 21 but much, much cuter stuff). I spent a reasonable amount of money-- less than I would have in the states-- and I love what I got. I decided I'm only going shopping three times while I'm here: once in June, July and August. Two more to go. If I spend the same amount of money the next two times, my bank account will have nothing to worry about. Amazing.

Tonight, we're having spaghetti for dinner (yay) then we have a seminar with an inspirational speaker, Oliver Hicks (I think), who is going to attempt to row solo around the world starting this October. Then lots and lots of sleep. I hope the weather's as nice as it was today (like 75) for the rest of the time I'm here.

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